Veteran Snapshots | World War II

Veteran Snapshots: Flying Fish

Flying Fish on “R & R” … These photographs were in the collection of Lt Robert Smith and depict a little “R & R” while visiting Cape Cod, Massachusetts. ‘Me’ would be Lt Robert “Bobby” Smith, and his friends are Lt. D.H. Stouch and Hyman. No other identification is marked on the photographs, but it […]

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World War II


Pounding waves. Pounding hearts. The weight of fear now crashing the shore. The roar of engines. Men barking orders. Men screaming in agony. Silent screams now frozen on the faces Of men who lay on their graves of sand. Unchained from a united hell. Their souls linger with those still living – Who must make […]

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World War II

Remembering the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, […]

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